grub error 18

Chan Chung Hang Christopher christopher.chan at
Sun Oct 11 09:33:40 UTC 2009

Goh Lip wrote:
> Goh Lip wrote:
>> Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
>>> To conclude, it appears that I will have just reinstall and put /boot in 
>>> its own partition. I don't know what the Linux kernel does but after it 
>>> loads up once, all subsequent warm reboots will not suffer from the 
>>> problem. Once you shutdown the machine, that is it. grub 1.5 error 18. 
>>> So I take it all back about something reinstalling grub at shutdown time.
>> At grub, did find /boot/grub/stage1  return any entries?
>> Would also help if you print out
>> parted -l
>> blkid
>> fdisk -lu
>> menu.lst (and/or) grub.cfg
>> Off hand, if warm reboots are okay and shutdowns are not, it may not be 
>> a grub problem. May be a bios or  power hardware problem.
> BTW, in case you forgot, I did say on 22nd Sept....
>  > Reinstall jaunty, create a /boot partition not more than 150 Mb in 
> the *first* partition and install boot there.

That would have been the first thing I did if grub had immediately given 
me a problem after initial installation. Unfortunately for me, the Linux 
kernel somehow got things sane so you cannot tell from warm reboots. So 
yeah, most probably the BIOS is buggy. /me wonders if you can shrink to 
the end of the partition and not the beginning.

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