Hardy to Jaunty

Mark Fraser ubuntu at mfraz.orangehome.co.uk
Tue Oct 6 16:39:24 UTC 2009

Just completed the upgrade from Hardy to Jaunty (I know we're almost at 
Karmic, but I wanted to be sure KDE4 was working OK first) and all seems to be 

One thing that's annoying me at the moment though, the icons for new messages 
in Kontact's summary view are just question marks. How do I get the proper 
icons back?

|\  /| ark Fraser  /mark at mfraz.orangehome.co.uk
| \/ | Somerset   /Using Kmail on Kubuntu Hardy Heron
|    |___________/You know what the sig means!
Registered Linux User #466407 http://counter.li.org

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