CRT monitors VS Laptop stuff

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Mon Oct 5 01:05:32 UTC 2009

Ric Moore wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 08:35 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
>> Ric Moore wrote:
>>> I notice my monitor kinda grey-ing out every so often. I'm hoping I
>>> don't have to replace this monster Dell and was wondering if some of the
>>> laptop stuff that seems to be loaded will try to dim the display for
>>> power saving measures. I am plugged into the wall for juice ...not a
>>> battery in sight. 
>> Probably the light source for the lcd screen needing replacement. The 
>> back lighting is losing its touch.
> Sorry, it's a CRT monitor.. a huge mother. :) Ric

Oh, a CRT. The gun calling quits then. 19"?

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