Aptitude prevention

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Sun Oct 4 00:38:19 UTC 2009

Wesley Velroij wrote:

Please learn to play nice with others:

1) don't top-post
2) quote appropriately

> I wasnt talking about hold option

Yes, actually, you were.  What you suggested he do with synaptic (not a KDE 
package) results in a "dpkg" hold.

But in any case, nothing you quoted below would give another reader a clue 
what you're talking about.

The previous poster suggested using KPackage to "hold" a package.  Donn said 
he couldn't find that option.  _IF_, as you suggested, he really meant 
kpackagekit, I agree with Donn - there is no such option.  If he really did 
mean kpackage, there should be (at least there was last time I looked).

> 2009/10/4 Derek Broughton <derek at pointerstop.ca>
>> Wesley Velroij wrote:
>> > I think its not named kpackage but kpackagekit orso, anyway the default
>> > package manager in karmic kubuntu
>> You're right that kpackagekit (or some variant of that name) is the
>> default
>> package manager in karmic.  However, KPackage is another, older, and
>> still existing package manager (kpackage-kde4 is the package) - which
>> might perhaps give the option to "Hold" packages, because kpackagekit
>> sure doesn't
>> seem to.

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