
David McGlone david at
Fri Oct 2 19:11:11 UTC 2009

On Friday 02 October 2009 08:31:53 am O. Sinclair wrote:
> David McGlone wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Yesterday I had to scan some images and low and behold scanning isn't
> > working and I don't have the slightest idea what to do.
> >
> > I used to use Kooka and it detected my HP Officejet 5610 all in one just
> > fine. Well yesterday was the first time the occasion came up that I
> > needed to scan some images and scanning is broke.
> >
> > I tried using Sane, but it will not detect my scanner and insist my TV
> > card is my scanner and there is no option to change this.
> >
> > So I installed scan lite and get the same results.
> >
> > last night I installed all of gnome hoping there would be an app I could
> > use there with no luck whatsoever.
> >
> > I also installed the kdegraphics package hoping Sane would use the
> > libkscan library that Kooka used and that was a dead end too.
> >
> > All in all I've wasted a whole day for a simple task, and I'm so
> > frustrated it's hard to stay calm.
> >
> > Anyway, I've exhausted everything I know to do. Does anyone have any
> > suggestions?
> try installing Skanlite - I just tested it in Karmic Beta and it hooked
> up with my Canon scanner just fine. I also used Kooka (still use,
> production computer still on KDE3) and in some ways Skanlite is actually
> better.
> Now if they could just add save to pdf from Skanlite so I dont have to
> install gscan2pdf

Well I finally got at least my scanner recognized, and it opened a whole new 
can of worms!!

Now SANE recognizes my scanner and I scan an image, but try to save it and 
SANE crashes. No error no nothing!

So I try scanlite. It works, but it takes it a good 4 minutes to scan a wallet 
size picture. Pathetic! After scanning with scanlite, I needed to edit the 
image, so I fire up gimp click open and gimp crashes every time. No error 
nothing! Pathetic!

So I switch over to gnome, still same results with gimp, but this time all my 
icons on my desktop magically disappear and nothing works! Ha Pathetic!

I reboot 2 times each time trying KDE and Gnome, still same results. PATHETIC!

At least KDE let me run Kontact and dolphin without crashing, Gnome wouldn't 
even do that! 

And they say linux is the better choice? They are full of it! 2 days just to 
scan a picture???? 

Excuse my language but I'm so P'd off it's PATHETIC! LOL

David M.

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