media players and browser plugins, KDE 4.3

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Thu Oct 1 14:19:51 UTC 2009

Ric Moore wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-09-30 at 19:20 +0100, Mark Greenwood wrote:
>> On Wednesday 30 Sep 2009 15:25:10 O. Sinclair wrote:
>>> O. Sinclair wrote:
>>>> O. Sinclair wrote:
>>>>> Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
>>>>>> Hi there.
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 13:46, O. Sinclair <o.sinclair at> wrote:
>>>>>>> Tried that, installing
>>>>>>> w32codecs
>>>>>>> that is. No luck whatsoever,
>>>>>> Because w32codecs is not what you need :) You need to install the
>>>>>> kubuntu-restricted-extras package, that should do the trick. And, of
>>>>>> course, restart KDE so the sound engine can load the codecs.
>>>>> after reinstallation of kubuntu-restricted-extras the browser tell me:
>>>>> xine-plugin: no mrl found in playlist
>>>> The picture is one of mixed success: If I try to play BBC World Radio in 
>>>> Firefox or Arora I get the above error and nothing but silence. The 
>>>> media selector also claims I have Realplayer but not Windows Media 
>>>> installed.
> Oh yeah, here's the URL for BBC's install for Linux. 
> If you're running 64bit, then you'll want to read the notes. Ric
Sorry, downloading from BBC iPlayer is only available in the UK (why?).
and why goes:

The BBC uses Geo-IP technology to identify where your are based on the 
location of your internet service provider (ISP). This ensures that only 
internet users in the UK can enjoy programmes on BBC iPlayer - you can 
read our advice to find out more about on-demand rights.

If you download a programme to your laptop or a portable hard drive, you 
can watch this wherever you are in the world. However, you will only be 
able to download new programmes once you return to the UK.

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