Kubuntu Netbook Remix over Ubuntu Netbook Remix

Michael Hirsch mdhirsch at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 16:20:39 UTC 2009

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:16 PM, Christian Schult <cschult at gmx.de> wrote:
> Hello ramadasan,
> ramadasan wrote:
>> What package suite do I need to install if I have to install Kubuntu
>> Netbook Remix stuff over Ubuntu Netbook Remix.
>> I have Ubuntu Netbook Remix install on my Acer Aspire One ZA3 netbook.
>> Will apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will take of it?
> Kubuntu-desktop will pull in the whole standard KDE Desktop and apps,
> but kubuntu-netbook will pull in the above plus, well, what it's name
> says. :-)

I did that this yesterday.  I found that all the ubuntu and kubuntu
apps ended up in all the menus.  So UNR had all the kubuntu apps and
KNR had the ubunutu apps.  It really wasn't useful.

I had expected that UNR wouldn't show the Kubuntu apps and vice versa.
 As it was, the menues were so full that I decided I really couldn't
live with both installed.  Since mine is a netbook for my whole
family, not just my own toy, I had to take KNR off.  :(


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