Ripping CDs

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at
Mon Nov 30 09:36:00 UTC 2009

Am Montag 30 November 2009 schrieb O. Sinclair:
> So problem is "sort of solved" but I don't understand why it did
>  not  work before lame installation

Because all the programs you listed need lame to convert the .wav 
files to MP3s.

>  or why I can not browse an
>  audio cd from /media/cdrom or likewise

The kernel does not know how to mount audio CDs. The WAVs, OGGs and 
MP3s konqueror, dolphin and some other programs show you are just 
virtual files that represent the data present on the CD - audio 
tracks in this case.

That's also why KDE needs a separate kioslave for audio CDs - Linux 
simply does not know how to handle an audio CD.


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