Samba issue

Kevin B. O'Brien nadreck at
Sun Nov 29 01:12:25 UTC 2009

Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
> Kevin B. O'Brien wrote:
>> Alvin wrote:
>>> On Thursday 26 November 2009 00:17:58 Kevin B. O'Brien wrote:
>>>> For some reason Samba seems to have stopped working on all 3 of my
>>>> Kubuntu boxes at the same time, about 2 days ago. This seems suspicious
>>>> somehow. Do you know if there was an update of some kind that broke
>>>> Samba on Kubuntu?
>>> Well, there is bug #462169, mentioned in the release notes:
>>> If that is the case, see if you can restart samba:
>>> $ sudo service samba restart
>> I don't think that is it. After some more searching I tried connecting 
>> using IP addresses instead of server names, and that seems to work OK. 
>> But I am still puzzled as to why three different machines would suddenly 
>> decide to stop finding server names all at the same time.
> ComA: I'm the master browser
> ComB: Yeah right
> ComC: Got lost you too, I'm the boss here.
> Big tussle ensures.
> Okay, joke over. What are you using for name resolution? WINS or DNS
I liked the joke, though. I just wish I had a good answer to the 
question. I am using a Workgroup, and I don't recall that the question 
of name resolution ever came up. Now that you bring it up, though, it 
does sound like a relevant detail. Would one of my Windows machines be 
the likely Master Browser?

Thank you,

Kevin B. O'Brien         TANSTAAFL
nadreck at      Linux User #333216

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