KDE Console freezes arbitrarily under Karmic/AMD64 - GNOME unaffected

Ric Moore wayward4now at gmail.com
Sat Nov 28 23:05:45 UTC 2009

On Sat, 2009-11-28 at 20:12 +0000, Rosalind Mitchell wrote:
> Postscript
> I am happily wallowing around in KDE 4.3.2.  I've been doing so for most of 
> the day.  I've pushed and probed and tempted it, and it works perfectly, 
> without any sign of a freeze.
> How did I do it?  I reverted to Jaunty...
> Rosie

I was having freeze-em-up problems with Java's Wonderland client. I
finally went back to Jaunty and all works fine. No idea why, either.
<shrugs> Ric

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