Spell checking & Firefox 3.6

Perry pwhite at bluewin.ch
Sun Nov 22 17:26:59 UTC 2009

Le Sunday 22 November 2009 11:48:07 Nigel Ridley, vous avez écrit :
> > For the spelling checker are you right clicking and selecting spell
> > check?   you have to do this for each filed or what ever.
> I tried that but it still doesn't work :-(
> Perhaps it's a bug in the beta release?
I don't know about that, but if your spell checker depends on java, you have 
to get java working.

My problems may have been related to multiple versions of java, or at least 
some files not being updated and still pointing the wrong way.

Did you try everything, like:
>Go up to the URL line in FF and enter:    about:plugins 
did you enable the plugins?
Issue "which java" in command line and then follow the link it points to.
Make right viewer the one by default in java ControlPanel.
Make sure 'java -version' was the one intended.
Test your java version with
"http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml" or

Good luck		Perry

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