
Thomas Olsen tanghus at
Fri Nov 20 15:44:50 UTC 2009

On Friday 20 November 2009 15:44:16 Ian L. Target wrote:
> I have downloaded and installed a script from
> When I run this script with the -c option, it is supposed to create or
> edit a crontab file. Instead, I get the following error message:  You
> (ian) or not allowed to use this program (crontab)  See crontab(1) for
> more information.
> I googled crontab and read the man pages because I am not really
> familiar with crontab.  The google entry says each user should have a
> crontab file, another google entry says it is only accessible to the
> root user.  Which statement is correct?  The website
> says it is better to run the script as a
> regular use as opposed to the root user so I assume that every user has
> a crontab file.
> What am I doing wrong?

It's a bit hard to say without knowing what script you're using.
You could just run "crontab -e" from Konsole but then you should definitely 
read the man page.
Otherwise use "System Settings"=>"Advanced"=>"Task Scheduler" and choose 
"Personal Cron". I haven't used it my self but it looks rather intuitive to 
> Ian

Best Regards / Med venlig hilsen

Thomas Olsen

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