KDE 4.3 icons

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 12:33:31 UTC 2009

Alan Dacey Sr. wrote:
> On Thursday 19 November 2009 02:26:46 am you wrote:
>> Alan Dacey Sr. wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 18 November 2009 02:16:46 am O. Sinclair wrote:
>>>> Does anyone know where KDE 4.3 stores the user's icons? I have done 2
>>>> reinstallations for users where I have left /home untouched and it has
>>>> worked quite well.
>>>> However - icons mess up. The oxygen theme never overwrites the existing
>>>> ones and I have had to install another icon theme. Reinstalltion of the
>>>> oxygen-icons package does nothing, it does not even show up as a theme
>>>> to choose from.
>>>> I figure I should delete the icon cache in /home/user before installing
>>>> - but where is it hiding?
>>>> Sinclair
>>> I found mine in:
>>> user's custom icons:
>>> 	~/.local/share/icons
>>> from packages/themes:
>>> 	/usr/share/icons
>>> no idea (gnome?):
>>> 	/usr/share/pixmaps
>> Thanks, I eventually found them myself. Backed up all user data, booted
>> from Knoppix and deleted said directory. Reinstalled with "untouched"
>> /home directory and fresh ext4 root. Then went through some steps to
>> convert /home from ext3 to ext4 (apparently have no impact on old files
>> though until they are rewritten for any kind of reason).
>> Rebooted, logged in. All nice with very few glitches - some servicemenus
>>   I added have no functionality and such minor issues. And for whatever
>> reason I got some old version of my distribution lists in Kontact???
>> Now trying to get into KDE4 "full time". What happened to the nice
>> "print to pdf" for example??
>> Sinclair
> I had it there on my alpha and beta installs.  Try installing cups-pdf, that 
> does the same thing.
As a matter of fact I found that it shows as "print to file" when I do a 
printout. Goodie!

One thing off the list of stuff "now where did that nice kde3 utility 
disappear to"

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