Netbook recommendation

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Mon Nov 16 14:24:51 UTC 2009

On Sunday 15 November 2009, Steve Lamb wrote:
>    I disagree.  Yes, keep features in mind but if you're going to buy a 
> netbook buy one with Linux preinstalled so the sale registers as a Linux
>  sale,  not a Windows sale.  The OS is easy to change?  Really?  10+ years
>  of trying to get Linux to be accepted by the Mainstream so I can play my
>  games on it instead of Windows and no practical change yet.  During that
>  time I've gone through at least as many machines.  Ergo, machines are
>  easier to swap than OS.  :P

All very PC  but if you've ever shopped for a netbook, you will find that you 
can get a LOT more hardware for the same money by buying a Windows netbook and 
then adding Linux.   Lets say a  160GB HD (Windows) versus a 40GB HD (Linux) 
for the same money and possibly more RAM as well.

I'm not going to pass on those bennies just to vote for Linux.  Sorry.

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