Odd tmp/Flashxxxxx files

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Thu Nov 12 07:20:17 UTC 2009

Donn wrote:
> On Thursday 12 November 2009 05:43:23 Goh Lip wrote:
>> I just have to rename it to .mp3 ... I wonder if there is 
>> anything 'not right' about this. Thanks again.
> I don't know about the internals of mp3 and mp4, but if you rename a 
> spreadsheet (odt) to an image (png) it does not mean it has become an image, 
> no more so than if I call myself a jellyfish makes me one.

Good analogy, Donn, LOL  We eat jellyfish in this part of the world. 
When I have some, I'll remember to toast to you.  :)

> I think that mp3 and mp4 must be very close, or that your other software just 
> ignores the extension and looks 'inside' to figure out what it actually got. 
> Most software does this anyway because extensions are often wrong.


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