Odd tmp/Flashxxxxx files
Jonas Norlander
jonorland at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 19:32:46 UTC 2009
2009/11/11 Nigel Ridley <nigel at prayingforisrael.net>:
> Goh Lip wrote:
>> Nigel Ridley wrote:
>>> Goh Lip wrote:
>>>> I find this best, drag the 'button' to your browser bookmark toolbar.
>>>> http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2008/04/download-youtube-videos-as-mp4-files.html
>>> About extracting MP3 files from downloaded youtube (.flv) files.
>>> This is how I do it:
>>> First you need to install ffmpeg
>>> then:
>>> To Convert .flv to .mp3 using ffmpeg:
>>> ffmpeg -i name_of_video_clip.flv -vn name_of_file.mp3
>>> Obviously you need to substitute the 'name_of_video_clip.flv' for the actual file name.
>>> If you have a bunch of downloaded files, you can:
>>> 'cd path_to_.flv_files'
>>> then:
>>> for i in *.flv; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -vn "${i%flv}mp3"; done
>>> then:
>>> mv *mp3 ~/Music/Mp3s [or which_ever_path_to_dir] (to move the newly created Mp3 files to a
>>> separate folder).
>> The downloaded files are converted to mp4. Just renaming them to .mp3
>> will make change files to mp3 files. Plays fine. Wonder if there's
>> anything wrong with this approach? I am not really familiar with
>> music/video file formats. Thanks.
>> Regards,
>> Goh Lip
> MP4 is a video format whereas MP3 is an audio format.
Thats not really true either. MP4 is a multimedia container based on
Apple’s QuickTime container format and can contain almost any kind of
data but most common is video, audio and subtitles. See wikipedia for
more info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mp4
/ Jonas
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