Upgrade 8.04->9.10 fails: crash to tty, claims can't mount rootfs (bitter)
Bruce Marshall
bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Wed Nov 11 15:40:14 UTC 2009
On Wednesday 11 November 2009, Alvin wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 November 2009 00:22:11 Dexter Filmore wrote:
> > > Just a small 'me too'.
> > > After the update to Karmic *or* fresh installations, a lot of servers
> > > no longer find their boot drives. Sometimes it works, sometimes it
> > > doesn't. Is there already a bug number for this?
> >
> > Yeah, it's called "Canonical finally struck out with boldness and have to
> > sort out the mess that rushing releases causes". Don't have the number
> > handy, sorry.
> I couldn't find one either. Weird, because I'm seeing this on every single
> installation of Karmic.
> There is a small related thread on Ubuntu forums.
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1319976
> I filed a bug. Please comment on this bug and confirm if you have the same
> problems:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+bug/460914
> I consider this very critical, but so far there have been no responses on
> Launchpad.
I filed a bug about a problem with grub. (or at least the setup of grub.cfrg.
I rebuilt a server yesterday and ran into it again. A fresh (or probably not
fresh) install will leave any old boots (like 9.04) unbootable because:
1) The uuid for the boot partition and the root partition are made the same.
Each should point to its respective partition.
2) On a 9.04 entry (for example) the kernel and initrd entires will have
/boot/ at the start of the path. This should not be there.
3) The set root=(HDx,y) entry will be wrong.
Fixing the above will allow booting.
This has been fixed in the latest grub updates I believe. At least it is now
corrected on what I installed yesterday.
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