quicktime and (unnamed) decompressor needed for viewing picture

Perry pwhite at bluewin.ch
Sun Nov 8 10:38:46 UTC 2009

Le Saturday 07 November 2009 20:42:42 Christian Schult, vous avez écrit :
> > I installed quicktime and some TIFF files because googling mentionned
> > TIFF. No success.
> > The first line of the file shows in KHexEdit: "PNG   IHDR" but I couldn't
> > find anything related to IHDR in Adept.
> Hm, looks like it's in PNG file format (.png). It should be shown in
> gwenview and almost every image viewer. Even dolphin should show a
> preview.
I can view PNG and TIFF, but not this file (picture extracted from a .doc, OO 
couldn't display it, I may want to try it on MSWord when I find that 
I tried on Hardy, Jaunty and even M$, only to get the message:
quicktime and decompressor needed for viewing picture

Note that I don't really care about the picture itself, it's only that I want 
to solve the problem.

Cheers		Perry

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