Is there a package I should install to use xine embedded in other applications?

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Wed Nov 4 10:17:35 UTC 2009

2009/11/4 Marcelo Magno T. Sales <mmtsales at>:
> Em Terça-feira 03 Novembro 2009, Marcelo Magno T. Sales escreveu:
>>  I
>>  have just noticed that mplayer is unable to use the "xv" video
>>  driver when it is ran by this user, but it can when it is ran by the
>>  test user I created. Strange... I was able to use the "xv" driver in
>>  mplayer before upgrading from jaunty to karmic.
> Sorry, this is not correct: I can run mplayer with the xv driver if I
> run mplayer directly, but it does not work if I run it embedded in a
> frontend (in smplayer, to be precise). If I run smplayer with the xv
> driver selected, it shows a progress bar as if the video is playing, but
> nothing is displayed, just like kaffeine and dragon player do. However,
> I can see the video if I run smplayer with the "gl"driver.

Could it be something with your KDE desktop? Have you tried without
desktop effects? Can you watch the movies if you login with for
example fluxbox?

/ Jonas

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