Doing a clean install of 9.10

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Mon Nov 2 18:45:42 UTC 2009

pkaplan1 at wrote:
> Try mount command in a terminal. 
> One of the lines should be /dev/sdXY on /home, where X is a letter depending on whether it is the first, second, etc hard drive and Y is a number indicating the partition number. That will be your home partition. You should also see /dev/sdXY on / which will be the root partition. 

Thanks for that. Is it possible to get partition sizes from the cmd line?
I remember from my last clean install that the text installer/partitioner (alternate CD) doesn't 
give much clue as to which partitions are /root /home except that it does give partition sizes. I 
could then match known sizes against what the installer/partitioner is offering.


> Paul 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Nigel Ridley" <nigel at> 
> To: "Kubuntu Help and User Discussions" <kubuntu-users at> 
> Sent: Monday, November 2, 2009 1:24:55 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
> Subject: Doing a clean install of 9.10 
> So after reading that some on the list had problems with their upgrades, I've decided to do a 
> clean install of 9.10. 
> Not wanting to wipe my [separate] /home partition - how do I know which _is_ my /home partition? 
> This might sound like a stupid question but there used to be a time when /home was on, say, hda5; 
> nowadays with all this uid (or whatever it's called) there is no hda5, hda1 etc. only [stupid] 
> unrecognizable too_long_for_humans_to_remember numbers! 
> So how do I format /root and not /home? 
> Blessings, 
> Nigel 

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