Kubuntu a dist in crisis?

Clay Weber claydoh at midmaine.com
Sun Nov 1 23:26:16 UTC 2009

On Sunday 01 November 2009 03:43:25 pm Derek Broughton wrote:
> Clay Weber wrote:
> > On Friday 30 October 2009 02:29:33 pm Derek Broughton wrote:
> >> O. Sinclair wrote:
> >> > Gentlemen, has not this discussion left the topic in question since
> >> > quite some time?
> >>
> >> I sooo hate net police.
> >
> > Wow, I wouldn't even consider that even the net Neighborhood Watch :/
> I suppose not, but really - threads drift.  It's perfectly appropriate, and
> it annoys me to no end when somebody decides they don't like where the
> discussion has gone and wants everybody else to stop.

That's wasn't it at all. No one has asked  for it to stop, just tag it as off-
topic, or start a new thread, that is all I want to suggest.

I guess it is OK to annoy one person, but to annoy another is perfectly fine.

> >> > If you feel like arguing on about programming languages
> >> > I suggest a separate thread or, better yet, another mailing list for
> >> > that discussion.
> As far as I was concerned, it wasn't an argument about programming
>  languages at all - it was an argument about whether specific programming
>  languages could/should be held as the "standard" in Ubuntu.  Perhaps it
>  really belongs in one of the devel-discuss lists, but that's not where it
>  is - and any attempt to move a thread is just another form of censorship.

Now that is simply a load of rubbish.

> >> I suggest the delete key.
> >
> > But that sure is a lot of useless reading and deleting. It was a polite
> > suggestion, a motion I would like to second.
> There's a lot of useless reading and deleting all over the Internet.

> Good
> newsreaders and email clients will let you dump this whole thread with a
>  few keyclicks...
..and renaming a topic is any more difficult?

So how would one filter this out in a web search? 


Clay Weber

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