glacial window management on karmic

Goh Lip g.lip at
Sun Nov 1 03:35:24 UTC 2009

D. R. Evans wrote:
> Chris Jones said the following at 10/31/2009 01:40 PM :
>> Hi,
>>> Looking in the hardware drivers tool, it says that the ATI/AMD  
>>> proprietary
>>> fglrx driver is "activated but not currently in use". I don't see  
>>> any way
>>> to activate it (nor do I know whether that would be a good idea,  
>>> although I
>>> *think* that it was being used in jaunty).
>> I suspect not using fglrx is your problem. I had a very similar issue  
>> on some other machines (not ubuntu, Scientific Linux, but I doubt that  
>> matters in this case). By default after installation they did not use  
>> flgrx, even though they had ATI hardware. Graphics performance was  
>> terrible, like you describe. Switching to the fglrx driver fixed it.
>> I suggest you try figuring out how to enable that driver.  
>> Unfortunately I don't have any hardware running ubuntu 9.10 with ATI  
>> video, so cannot really help much. Maybe someone who does can.
> After several forced reboots caused by an uncountable number of crashes of
> system-related KDE applications (I suppose probably all I really needed to
> do was log out each time, but I'm paranoid), the system seems much more
> stable now (meaning, no crashes in the past ten minutes)... and I noticed
> that windows are zippy again... and on investigation, the fglrx driver is
> now being used. I never did find out a way for me to configure it to be used.
> I seem to recall that when I did the hardy -> jaunty upgrade, although the
> detailed symptoms were different, it took several reboots before the system
> was stable enough for use. I had forgotten that, but the pain of the past
> couple of hours reminded me.
>   Doc
Doc, see if this helps.

sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

Goh Lip

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