Attempting to move from kde 4.2.2 to 4.2.3

David McGlone david at
Fri May 29 23:40:29 UTC 2009

On Friday 29 May 2009 05:16:15 pm Donn wrote:
> On Friday, 29 May 2009 23:06:02 steven vollom wrote:
> > is there a way for me to view the history of the last
> > several entries I made using the konsole
> Yes, press the up arrow. For each press, you see one back in history. Then
> you can edit the line and press enter to run it.
> And -- take my advice: don't move to 4.2.3. Just get your plain Jaunty
> working okay and leave it alone.

I'm not moving to 4.2.3 either. I'm going to wait a while.

Steven, I would suggest putting your memory and video card back and doing a 
clean install of jaunty, and then from what you say, you have a pretty top 
notch system, you should install VMware or virtualbox (I think it's called) so 
you can install other OS's without messing with your default jaunty install.

David M.

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