Kubuntu uses too much memory. What is the cause?

Willy K. Hamra w.hamra1987 at gmail.com
Thu May 28 17:53:22 UTC 2009

Odd wrote:
> Alvin wrote:
>> On Thursday 28 May 2009 17:47:02 Chris Jones wrote:
>>>> Other that that, there's not much activity.
>>>> Now, I don't see this behaviour on other Kubuntu boxes. Is there a way to
>>>> see what process is filling the swap?
>>> Open a terminal and run 'top'
>>> when it is running, enter capitol M (i.e. <shift> m) to sort by memory
>>> usage.
>> Ah, nice. Well, Kontact and Amarok seem to use a lot of memory. (Is it really 
>> necessary to use +1GB to play .ogg files?)
>> The next step is freeing the memory. Closing Amarok doesn't help. Swap usage 
>> stays the same. Any suggestions?
> It doesn't matter. The memory will be freed when another app or the system
> requires it. Any decent OS works the same way. What's the point of having
> unused memory? So don't sweat it, this is the way it's supposed to behave.
many times, when i really need to put everything in RAM again (i hate
waiting for swapp->ram moving while in the middle of working), i do a:

cat /proc/swaps   (not necessary, i like to know how much is used)
sudo swapoff -a   (everything in swap moves to RAM)
sudo swapon -a
cat /proc/swaps   (make sure 0 swap is used)

i have the above 4 lines in a script called "freeswap", chmodded and put
in /usr/local/bin . and i use it very often :)

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net

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