KDE4.3 beta issues

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Thu May 28 06:33:06 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:

> You would get a clean slate of KDE-based settings. The only problem
> that I know of is a small panel glitch when upgrading to KDE 4.2.x
> from 4.0 or 4.1, which you did. However, in rare instances something
> may have been fudged on your own machine (that is, not a problem that
> affects many users) and a clean slate is the most certain fix.

No, Dotan, I don't think I've fudged any upgrades and it is working as 
it should.

>> Thanks guys, it's a heck of a trick.

> That's not really a trick, it works that was for all Linux software
> because user settings are kept separate from application
> configuration.

Yes, understood.

Dotan, can you please refer to my just replied message to Nils and would 
also appreciate your feedback.

Again, >> Thanks guys, it's a heck of a trick.

Goh Lip

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