Not receiving my own posts

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Mon May 25 04:11:50 UTC 2009

On Sunday 24 May 2009 8:04:09 pm Jerry Lapham wrote:
> Recently when I post to the group I haven't been seeing them.  I checked
> yesterday and my configuration for the list was set to receive my own
> posts. Anyone else having this difficulty?

No, but then I don't use gmail on maillists.  It is all in gmail, not the 
maillist.  Gmail doesn't send you a copy of any mail you sent although it 
DOES actually receive them along with the others from the maillist.  Gmail 
says if you really want to look at your mail that you sent, look in your sent 
folder.  On the other hand, if someone answers your mail you will know for 
sure that your email arrived so here is your indication your mails arrive!  I 
quoted the one I answered so you know everything is working.

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276
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