KDE4.3 beta issues <OT>

John DeCarlo johndecarlo at gmail.com
Mon May 25 01:33:20 UTC 2009

On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 6:58 PM, Derek Broughton <derek at pointerstop.ca>wrote:

> Ric Moore wrote:
> > On Sat, 2009-05-23 at 09:26 +0200, Donn wrote:
> >> On Saturday, 23 May 2009 07:49:13 Ric Moore wrote:
> >> > Worked like a dream for firing up a modem under
> >> > CP/M.
> >> All I dimly recall about CP/M is "pip". The world spun pretty fast and
> >> DOS was there before I could learn any more.
> >
> > I had to stay in the cheap seats awhile. A blooming XT cost a coupla
> > grand, when they first came out. A harddrive then? Forgetaboutit. Next
> Actually, no.  An XT - by definition - was a PC _with_ a hard drive.  A
> whopping 10MB when I bought mine (used) for $2300.  I've never spent as
> much
> for a computer since.

We bought an IBM PC for around $5000.  (yow!)

But it was cheaper than an equivalent XT.

We bought the maximum 10 MB hard drive.

As I recall, the majority of the cost came from upgrading the memory to 640K
- around half the cost at least.

Had a business reason to do so, and never spent anywhere near as much on a
computer again.

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own
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