KDE4.3 beta issues <OT>

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sun May 24 02:34:32 UTC 2009

On Saturday 23 May 2009, Bruce Marshall wrote:
>On Saturday 23 May 2009, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> >I resemble that remark but not sure I want to lay claim.
>> Aww, Gee Bruce, why not?  Now 74, I gave the bashful bit some time back.
>> Unforch, its a little like Rodney Dangerfield, though.
>You take top honors....    so far....
>> >Started out on an IBM computer in 1962.  A 650 model where the 'memory'
>> > was 'contained' on a rotating drum and the assembler optimized its code
>> > by placing it at points on the drum where it would be fetched fastest as
>> > the drum rotated.
>> Got me beat.  I have heard of that technique though.
>S.O.A.P    Symbolic Optimizing Assembler Program.
>And just hope there aren't any power lapses or the drive belt for the drum
>might snap.

Sounds a bit like a Bolens riding mower we had for a year or so at the tv 
station.  The electric clutch that ran the mower deck was so brutal that only 
the special v-belt Bolens sold would take flipping the switch off & back on.  
Since they wanted about a $25 bill for that belt, and even with theirs it used 
5 or 6 a season, we found it a new home long before it was worn out.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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