how to start a kde application via shell script

Alan Dacey Sr. Grokit at
Fri May 22 01:02:07 UTC 2009

On Thursday 21 May 2009 07:55:46 pm Sascha Güthling wrote:
> Hi List,
> I'm trying to start a kde application with a shell script. The shell
> script is called by cron. But I always get an error that the
> application is a "KUniqueApplication". What am I doing wrong?
> script:
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/bin/kmix #(<just an example, but it doesn't work like anything
> else I tried)
> That's it. When I call the script in a Konsole window it works (since
> I'm in KDE) but when it's called by cron it doesn't.
> All ideas are appreciated.
> Thanks
> Sascha

Just to be clear, did you make a script called 'cron' or are you using cron to 
start a script?

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