OT. This list has become "Neighbours, The Vollom Years".
gmane at auxbuss.com
Thu May 21 17:07:03 UTC 2009
Dotan Cohen said:
>> I raised a bug against dolphin - one of a few - and the dev pushed it
>> upstream. So, on a hunch, I tested the problem on another file manager
>> and it failed.
> Bugs against Dolphin should be filed at KDE.
I've given up filling against Ubuntu, because nothing gets updated!
>> There seems to be a bunch of core fle management functionality that has
>> been ripped out of apps - presumably konq - rewrapped, and put back,
>> and these functions are being used by multiple apps. I think that this
>> is where these subtle changes are emerging from.
>> There's nothing wrong in doing the above providing they are migrated
>> properly, i.e. tested before and after, but this clearly isn't
>> happening.
> Again, when you find a problem with KDE either file it or contact me and
> I will help file it.
It was a deduction based on experience. I'm saying that the process is
broken. I'd best not file a bug against it.
>> Yup, a royal pain in dolphin; it doesn't save the session either, which
>> drives me nuts. You might want to raise a feature request on this.
> I've never used this feature, but if you could describe in detail how it
> works (without refering to KDE3) then I will be glad to file it.
All I mean is providing the option for dolphin to open in the same state
it was in when it was closed. If you have, say, three tabs open and use
twin panes open, then its a pain setting these up all the time. Being
able to save state into profiles is even better. Most mature, well-
featured file managers do these things.
"Change requires small steps."
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