I apologize for the rant re: permissions.

steven vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 19 14:20:07 UTC 2009

There is no excuse for my awful talk on the permissions matter.  Please 
forgive me.  Due to an error of my own, I am having the permissions problem.  
I haven't solved it yet, but I believe I know the solution.

It is not a worthy excuse, but I have been problem solving for several days up 
to 16 to 18 hours per day.  All of a sudden I am having many permissions 
problems accessing common applications.  It was like slamming a door on your 
fingers.  Exhausted I reacted improperly.  I sincerely apologize.

I love my Kubuntu application and this list and hope that I haven't alienated 
too many and can be forgiven.  As I clicked 'send' I knew it was a mistake.

Steven Vollom, fine-artist retired

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