**RESOLVED**Re: permission

steven vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Mon May 18 21:28:53 UTC 2009

On Monday 18 May 2009 02:57:59 pm Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> steven vollom wrote:
> > I just installed Digikam in Jaunty kde 4.2.3.  It said I did not have
> > permission.  I typed sudo digikam into a terminal and got the following:
> > steven at Yeshua:~$ sudo digikam
> > Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-steven" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
> > Error: "/tmp/kde-steven" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
> > digikam(5182) Digikam::DigikamFirstRun::DigikamFirstRun:
> > "/home/steven/Pictures"
> > steven at Yeshua:~$
> >
> > What do I do and how do I do it to get appropriate permission and
> > permissions fixed?  Thanks.  A neighbor was burglarized this morning and
> > I took pictures for him.  Thanks!
> >
> > Steven
> Dear Steven,
> when you use konsole and type
> digicam
> i.e. without sudo, what is the exact error that you get?
I can't remember what it was before, but I think the comment was something 
like no such file or directory.

Nice to hear your voice, my friend.  I finally got it to work, however I had a 
permissions problem.  The first couple of times, I got it to show read and 
write permission for the owner, with the box at the bottom checked for all 
folders etc.  Still twice, it retained root root at the bottom.  Then finally 
it accepted the instruction on the third attempt, and it works now, just 
before I answered your email.

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