Reinstalling 8.04

J. Michael Morse mmorse757 at
Mon May 18 19:42:21 UTC 2009

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Eberhard Roloff <tuxebi at> wrote:
> J. Michael Morse wrote:
>> On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Eberhard Roloff <tuxebi at> wrote:
>>> steven vollom wrote:
>>>> I tell you one thing, most people who do not like the new system, are just
>>>> used to the old way.  I really believe the new system is far better, faster,
>>>> and easier to locate the things you want.  It just takes a few days to get
>>>> used to the new way.
>>> Fully agreed. If there is not a very good reason to use 8.04, Jaunty is
>>> way ahead, especially in regard to the "K" in Kubuntu.
>> I /like/ 8.04.  Personal preference is my reason for wanting to use 8.04.  ;)
>> I have an easier question.  If I am installing on a HD that is 120G in
>> size unformatted, what percentage of the disk should the /home
>> partition be?
>> Mike
> Very easy: All the rest. ;-)
> Let's say you go for a desktop and use 30GB for / and 4GB for swap, all
> of the remaining space will be happily serving you as /home.
> This is not to say that you will need 30GB for /. Fwiw my / is currently
> at 12GB out of 30GB.
> Kind regards
> Eberhard

Thanks!  These are the numbers I am going to use for no other reason
than you are the only one who responded so far.  I do have one
(hopefully last) question:  does it matter what order the partitions
are in?  It has been a while since I did an install.  If I am not
mistaken, the installation makes you do the / first.

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