Jaunty: How to install a USB printer?

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Fri May 15 20:54:48 UTC 2009

Ric Moore said:

> On Thu, 2009-05-14 at 19:04 +0000, marc wrote:
>> > That secret is to remove an printers section in the smb.conf.  Nuke
>> > it totally.  In all machines.
>> We have a winnner!
>> All I did was nuke the [printers] section in smb.comf and restart
>> samba. Then, when I ran system-config-printer, it found it and
>> installed it.
>> I would love to test it, but the yellow ink pot is now dry, and with
>> these KDE4-style printers (i.e. huge regressions) the thing will not
>> print until I install a new one... even though there is a separate
>> black- only pot, which is full and all that is needed.
>> I'll post an update when I can find some new ink!
> Ha! Told ya Samba was a printer grabber. The funny thing, according to
> my experience, was that when samba is installed before the printer is
> configured, it'll forever hold that printer down. Install the printer
> first, then samba and that worked. It was embarrassing to be an
> installation tech support monkey at Red Hat and not be able to make the
> printer for the love of my life, now Ex, to work. I took the entire
> system to work and put it all on a table and turned the entire crew
> loose on it. About half of 'em said "Stand back! I'LL fix it!" The looks
> on their faces after half a day was priceless. I didn't feel half as
> dumb. Someone mentioned Samba, I ripped it out, the stupid printer
> worked. Of course I was the HERO when it came home and worked. This was
> in 2000, and HER printer had color! Mine was a POS. :) Ric

Well, that gave me a laugh. I'll remember how much effort went into 
fixing my problem.


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