linux-generic- - update still blocked

Mirto Silvio Busico mirtosilvio.busico at
Tue May 12 06:38:02 UTC 2009

Steven Vollom ha scritto:
> On Monday 11 May 2009 05:10:48 am Eberhard Roloff wrote:
>> kde 4.2.3 ppa
> It has been a while, my friend.  I hope all is well with you and yours.  I 
> went to the site where KDE 4.2.3 PPA is offered, but I did not see the 
> distinction for 64 bit.  Is that a concern for me?  I operate 64bit now.
Sorry, when I started the thread I forgot to say I'm using 64 bit version.
So I also need a Jaunty 64 bit version
> I did see AMD 64bit, but it was for Intrepid.
> I don't recall getting any additional infor re: the laptop ram I have.  No one 
> has seemed to need it so far.  It is just sitting her, so if you can use it, I 
> will send it.  2 1gb sticks.
> Steven
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