Plasma question

Thomas Olsen tanghus at
Thu May 7 13:09:49 UTC 2009

On Thursday 07 May 2009 13:40:02 Sascha Güthling wrote:
> On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 5:38 AM, Thomas Olsen <tanghus at> wrote:
> >
> > With that solved I have another question: How do you add application
> > shortcut on the panel just like in 3.5.x?
> > Maybe it's because I have the flu and running a fever but it seems very
> > confusing much of this Plasma stuff...
> >
> > --
> > Best Regards / Med venlig hilsen
> >
> > Thomas Olsen
> >
> First you need to add the Quicklaunch widget to the panel, if not
> already done. Now you can open the Application Launcher (K-Menu) and
> drag your application to the Quicklaunch widget.
> If you want to remove one you just right-click on it and select Remove
> this Icon.
> Cheers
> Sascha

Hi Sascha

Thanks for the help. I must say it's not very intuitive mainly because neither 
the quicklauncher nor the apps in it have any tools to indicate what app it 
is. But I got it working now - thanks again.

Best Regards / Med venlig hilsen

  Thomas Olsen

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Men tak for den udviste interesse
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