Can anybody confirm this bug

Derek Broughton derek at
Wed May 6 12:56:08 UTC 2009

Sascha Güthling wrote:

>> btw, your first line says "suspend to ram" and your description says
>> "Suspend to Disk" - which is it?
> 1st: It has to be "Suspend to Ram" thanks for finding the typo. I
> corrected the bug report already.

I've never actually experimented with Suspend to Ram, so I can't help there, 
> 2nd: I just updated my BIOS and the problem seems to be gone. I'll
> test a bit more before I can really confirm that, but in two attempts
> the laptop woke up without disk errors.
> I don't have any options to change the mode of the disk in the BIOS
> though. Maybe they changed it without notice.

Interesting.  Let's hope your problem is solved - though I hate problems 
that go away without explanation...

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