Jaunty: How to install a USB printer?

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Wed May 6 11:29:21 UTC 2009

Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
> On Wednesday 06 May 2009, my mailbox was graced by a missive
>  from Jan Torben Heuer <jtnews at mail2004.dnsalias.org> who wrote:
>>> I want to install a usb printer that's connected to my machine. I can't
>>> figure out how to do this in jaunty.
>> For me, running "system-config-printer" was the easiest solution. But it is
>> a GNOME program and you may have to install it manually. Nevertheless, the
>> printer will appear in KDE, too.
> Install CUPS and do it through the web interface (http://localhost:631)
> Cheers,
> Ron.
Did I miss it, or did the OP even not mention what printer he wants to use?


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