Panel colors in KDE 4.2.2

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Tue May 5 22:22:15 UTC 2009

marc said the following at 05/04/2009 06:40 AM :

> Seems you can only apply "themes" now. For each widget you can choose 
> your own "file", but there's no help, so I've no idea what those files 
> are supposed to be.

Yep. Some time ago I filed a bug report requesting user-accessible
documentation on this very issue.

I have some hope that maybe somewhere around KDE 4.5, those of us who want
to customize away all the huge menus, icons and plasmoids, the
grey-writing-on-grey-background and general black-is-cool paradigm will be
able to do so easily.

No doubt some of it can be done now, but no one could call it easy. KDE4 so
far simply doesn't install a sufficient amount of accurate documentation
:-( But I trust it will be there one day in the not-too-distant future.



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