Keyboard setting on Jaunty

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Tue Mar 31 16:40:31 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 31 March 2009, Alvin wrote:
> > Since Intrepid, I have found that I need to tell the system that I have a
> > particular Logitech keyboard.   If I don't, the left-arrow key will not
> > work which makes life rather difficult.
> >
> > In intrepid, I believe it was kcontrol, which now (I guess) has been
> > removed. And kcontrol wasn't something you could easily find anyway.
> >
> > And  System Settings -->  keyboard   doesn't offer the ability either.
> >
> > Any help will be appreciated.
> You can try:
> $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
> One of the first choices there is the type of keyboard.

Well, it was worth a try and a good suggestion.    

The console-setup seems to be setting up the console for a CLI terminal OUT of 
KDE.   That I never had a problem with anyway....  the left cursor always 
worked at a main console level.   My problem is with KDE.

Doing the reconfigure did nothing for any keybd input under KDE,  konsole or 

But thanks.

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