OT: Getting kicked outof university, bugs will wait!

"Terrell Prudé Jr." microman at cmosnetworks.com
Sun Mar 22 20:18:21 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I know that I am in the middle of several very important threads
> regarding KDE 4.2 bugs, but I'm about two weeks from getting booted
> from my university. Therefore, I am going to concentrate my time on
> studies but _please_ when you find a bug that you don't feel confident
> enough filing then email me privately and in a month's time I'll go
> through them, triage, and file what need be. Remeber, KDE 4.2 is meant
> for end users, so every issue that you find with it is important!
> Crashers, unintuitive configuration, features missing from KDE 3, are
> all valid bugs and if you can't file it then let me know so that I
> could take care of it.
> Thanks!
Dude, don't get kicked out of school.  Once you're out, then you can 
focus all you want on Free Software projects like KDE.  But school 
should always come first.

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