RESOLVED ** Re: Proper use of junk mail feature? Thanks to all!!!

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Sun Mar 22 14:19:40 UTC 2009

> Your SBCGLOBAL/ATT/Yahoo webmail box also has a good spam filter. I took the time to train it also. It catches two or three hundred a day all by itself. Then all I have to deal with is what gets past ATT/Yahoo. 
When I read this I am amazed how little I have gotten over the years.  
Even what I get now you would not think as much.  I don't use the 
computer much like other people I guess.  I cannot fathom having to read 
100 junk emails a day.  For me, a dozen or a few more seemed like a 
flood.  For me a couple per month was a lot for about 20 years.  Hah!  
Apparently I have been spoiled.  It just started since the List.  Oh 
well, I love the List more than I hate junk mail.
> If you check it before it's downloaded to your machine everyday for a week or so and tell it what's obviously junk it will filter it before you ever see it. Just look at the subjects and senders to pick out the junk mail. Here again you have to go back every once in a while to check for false positives [ I check every two or three months ]. It's time consuming but if you take the time it can be worth it.
Thanks, I will.  This was great help friend.


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