OOo now using KDE dialogs!

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Sat Mar 21 00:57:48 UTC 2009

Pastor JW wrote:
> On Friday 20 March 2009 2:55:29 pm Ignazio Palmisano wrote:
>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>> There must be a book that is especially suited to people with basic
>>> understanding requirements.  I will purchase online and put in on my
>>> credit card.  In a few days I will have it.  It will certainly take less
>>> time than asking for a ride.  Thanks for the good idea though.
>> Why not start with some free guide first?
> The best book out there for Ubuntu is Rutebook and you already have it!  Its 
> in the repositories!   You "bought" it already, why not use it?  
> ,
I forgot I had it; I am working constantly and forget so much.  Thanks 
for the reminder.


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