OOo now using KDE dialogs!

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Fri Mar 20 18:59:18 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> I don't have Firefox in this browser, only Thunderbird.
> That type of sentence is the reason that I've started writing this:
> I need to finish it.
>>  Should I
>> install Firefox and make that change, or continue to edit Thunderbird as
>> it presently is?
> Go read what Firefox and Thunderbird are, first, try wikipedia for that.
When I went to Wikipedia, I typed in the question, 'What is 
Firefox?'there was no answer.  I did the same for Thunderbird and got 
the same reply.
>> I do not yet know what GTK is or Mozilla- specific menus, nor what they do.
> Read about gtk on wikipedia, and "Mozilla-specific" refers to anything
> that only affects Mozilla products.
I installed GTK for 64bit machines.  I don't really understand what it 
has to do with my current problem and was only able to understand in 
part what id does.  It looks like it reads several different levels of a 
signal, but I am not sure.


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