How do I fix a mistake in a feature of Kmail?
Derek Broughton
derek at
Thu Mar 19 14:07:28 UTC 2009
David McGlone wrote:
> On Wednesday 18 March 2009 9:12:51 pm Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> > When you were in the 'rc' files, did you find what you wanted to
>> > remove? Did you simply delete it from the 'rc' file to remove it, if
>> > your answer is yes? Then when you closed the 'rc' file it was gone?
>> Nope. It would have been ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc. I do contract
>> work for the Canadian government, and I have a lot of addresses in there
>> with "". Since they're migrating them to
>> just "@dfo-mpo...", and since my wife's name begins "mar", I thought I'd
>> change them all to the new form, and then not have to scroll through the
>> whole list to get to my wife. It never worked. The @#$%^&* list still
>> has all the "mar."s in it.
> Here's what I do, I always give my wife's e-mail address and address book
> entry on my phone a name that starts with a letter that will make it the
> first one in my address book. For instance, right now I have no addresses
> that start with an "A" in my address book, so I aliased my wife's e-mail
> address as "Babe". She's always the first one in the list. :-)
Actually, I can just phone myself - my phone forwards to hers if busy or
unanswered :-) Or speed-dial.
But that doesn't alter the fact that kmail's "recent address" feature really
doesn't like to give the user control.
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