Using Kmail to send mail through Gmail

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Wed Mar 18 14:07:50 UTC 2009

2009/3/18 Valter Mura <valtermura at>:
> 2009/3/15 Jonas Norlander <jonorland at>
>> For most of the time I uses Gmails web interface but I wanted to test
>> Kmail in KDE 4.2.1 so I configure it to work with Gmail but I cant
>> send mail through there smtp. I get a SSL error. This looks related:
>> but sasl2 is installed and I'm fairly sure i got the configuration for
>> Gmail right. Any one using Kmail to send mail through Gmail?
> No problem with it, even if now I'm replying from the server :-)
> If you follow the instructions contained in "Settings" in the Gmail server,
> you'll have not problems. Also, if you want to be sure for the settings,
> please click the button "verify server settings" inside Kmail pop/smtp
> settings tabs.

It turned out that pressing "verify server settings" is what caused my
trouble as doing that changed the settings from TLS to SSL.
It's interesting how a thread like this can live on, 2 minutes after i
wrote my first mail I saw the mistake and wrote a reply to ignore the
mail and it still got replies.
Anyhow it's solved now. Thanks all.

/ Jonas

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