Thanks for the Virus.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Tue Mar 17 22:15:04 UTC 2009

Martin Laberge wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 March 2009 15:06:12 Mark Greenwood wrote:
>> On Monday 16 March 2009 23:41:45 Steven Vollom wrote:
>>> Mark Greenwood wrote:
>>>> On Monday 16 March 2009 22:21:42 Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>>> I thought my computer was getting even worse by the minute.  So thanks 
>>>>> to the one who doesn't understand, I have an infected computer again, 
>>>>> after being away from Microsoft for over 4 years.  Not only a virus, but 
>>>>> some kind of ad barrage.  In four years, no ads.  Now every couple of 
>>>>> emails is something to erase.   I hope you enjoy yourself.  Trouble is 
>>>>> you are probably someone who has my gratitude for helping me.
>>>>> I forgive you, but you are misdirected.  Negative things have a way of 
>>>>> coming back at you.  I hope this doesn't happen to you, whoever you are, 
>>>>> because the come-around is pretty unforgiving.
>>>>> Steven
>>>> I hope you have proof that somebody on this list has infected you, because that is a pretty serious accusation.
>>>> Firstly, nobody on this list would deliberately send you a virus.
>>>> Secondly, you are running Linux. It is very unlikely that you actually have a virus.
>>>> It sounds as if you are talking about receiving spam email - unwanted email full of adverts. In which case you want to learn how to use a spam filter, like everybody else does. I receieve about 200 emails every day, but thanks to my spam filter I never have to read the ones with the adverts.
>>>> Cool down, and don't accuse people unlesss you have proof.
>>>> Mark
>>> I am not accusing the list or even anyone in specific, but within a few 
>>> hours, my already problematic computer ended up acting like it was 
>>> running from a floppy disk, then without ever experiencing what your 
>>> explanation is, spam, it started infecting my email. 
>>> It is difficult to be wrongly accused, so if  anyone from the list 
>>> thinks I have accused them of wrong doing,  I sincerely apologize.  If 
>>> the List itself feels that it's reputation has been abused, again I 
>>> apologize profusely, however, I do not surf the web.  The only thing I 
>>> use my computer for is comupter related stuff, so for me to asume it 
>>> just came out of the air is ludicrous.  I have noticed by the postings 
>>> that there are those who are upset that my unsolved problem hasn't been 
>>> relegated to the trash can.  That in itself is so unlike the list which 
>>> I revere.  But from time to time I have noticed some childishness take 
>>> place that is not worthy of the list.  Childish pranks can hurt deeply.  
>>> In my case if even the continuation of your comments cause my reputation 
>>> to be further abused, it is a serious problem.
>>> You who have many resources to solve your computer related problems are 
>>> very fortunate.  I can barely afford to keep my computer running.
>>> The problem that produced this fiasco has now multiplied.  The computer 
>>> I am trying to keep alive long enough to transfer data is very likely 
>>> poisoned with a virus or some kind of spam tool.  I can no longer 
>>> consider saving the 250gb of data that I am trying desperately to save, 
>>> because I finally have a new computer that I do not want infected.  In a 
>>> way your email is about as wrong as you accuse me.  I at least have 
>>> evidence of abuse.  What do you have, hurt feelings.  Well whomever did 
>>> this dirty thing can sure have a laugh, but GOD has a way of equalizing 
>>> things, and the come around is much more significant than pointing out 
>>> the error of his ways.
>>> I will not reply to any more of this dribble.  I am sorry I responded in 
>>> the first place.  And if I have to, I will move on.  You think I made an 
>>> accusation that you at least think it is serious.  So how much more is 
>>> this supposed accusation a problem when you find that it is true.
>>> People who act paranoid are only paranoid until there is a bullet hole 
>>> in the back of their head.  Then they are considered stupid for not 
>>> protecting themselves.  Just like here it is a lose lose situation.  
>>> Your last statement is also inaccurate.  You think I am so angry that I 
>>> need to cool down.  The anger passed instantly, I was trying to help a 
>>> misguided person to stop doing maliscious things, because you can call 
>>> it karma if you don't believe in GOD but there is a come-around.
>>> And anyway, this was between me and the child who may have (does that 
>>> help you) done this dirty trick.  I had no other way to communicate with 
>>> him or her, because here is where it happened.  Every email in my box is 
>>> to or from either someone from the list or my children and 
>>> grandchildren.  I surf the exact same sites you do, Google, Kubuntu, 
>>> Linux, KDE, and perhaps one you don't, Ebay, but I don't shop or watch 
>>> dirty movies or look at porn.  I don't play video games.  You tell me 
>>> how it happened.  The one thing I see talked about more than anything 
>>> else on the List is email programs and email servers.  What better place 
>>> to find someone with the ability to do ill in an email.  I am just 
>>> saying that there is a probably a problem in our system, and it isn't 
>>> me.  I don't have the ability to hate anymore, but if I did this still 
>>> would be an over-the-line dirty trick.
>>> That is the last you will hear from me on the subject.
>>> Steven Vollom, fine-artist retired     You may notice that I am not a 
>>> coward like that person.  I let him and the world know who is doing the 
>>> talking.
>> Steven, it is completely obvious that you have no understanding of what you are talking about. You don't know how this "infection" got on your computer and therefore you assume it must be somebody else's fault. I have news for you. It is NOBODY's fault. You've been harvested by a spammer. Tough. It happens to us all. You haven't been singled out, there is nothing special about you. Why have you posted to a mailing list if it was not to accuse someone on the list of doing it or simply to seek attention?
>> Mark Greenwood, telecoms engineer, not retired but fed up with people who don't know what they're talking about behaving like everything bad that happens is somebody else's fault.
> I would agree mostly with Mark here.
> Driving a computer is like driving a car.
> when there is a turn in the road, 
> and you try to keep your weels right in front of you,
> you will probably end up in the hole on the border of the road.
> When a computer asks you "are you sure you want to delete"  and you answer YES,
> you have no right to be surprised that the files are deleted.
> Running a computer with a keyboard and a mouse, 
> is like driving a car with a couple pedals and a Driving-Weel.
> If you dont know what you do, you dont know what will happen.
> Some poeple drive a car in a minimal way, to the supermarket for example.
> Some poeple drive a car in a more professionnal way, a taxi for example.
> Some poeple drive Formula-1.
> When you drive a computer, just be aware of your level,
> dont overspeed, or take unexplored roads, without good preparation.
> Take the time to do it well, as if your life depended on it,
> (and for some of us, our life depends greatly on well working systems)
> Do not drive a formula-1 with the pedal on the floor, if you are not "ONE-of-Those"!
> You'll just end up in the wall.
> This may be not what you wished to hear, but it is the cruel realty.
> Truly yours.
> (PS: just make sure you are not in the "FORMAT C: /U" group 
>      who is surprised to find the disk empty afterwards.)
I guess I have been lucky.  This is very new to me.  When I had the 
problems in Windows, I never had a clue as to cause.  If wrong, I am 
very sorry to have brought the topic up.


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