Thanks for the Virus.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Mon Mar 16 22:21:42 UTC 2009

I thought my computer was getting even worse by the minute.  So thanks 
to the one who doesn't understand, I have an infected computer again, 
after being away from Microsoft for over 4 years.  Not only a virus, but 
some kind of ad barrage.  In four years, no ads.  Now every couple of 
emails is something to erase.   I hope you enjoy yourself.  Trouble is 
you are probably someone who has my gratitude for helping me.

I forgive you, but you are misdirected.  Negative things have a way of 
coming back at you.  I hope this doesn't happen to you, whoever you are, 
because the come-around is pretty unforgiving.


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