
Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 13:15:02 UTC 2009

On Sunday 15 March 2009 07:14:42 am Steven Vollom wrote:
> > cd ~/.wine/drive_c
> > wine ./e-Sword.exe
> It opened the program.  There was text this time.  Nonetheless, when I
> changed from bible to bible, the text stayed the same.  When I changed
> to a different book the text stayed in the previous book, it did not
> change.  Something is definately wrong.
> All 53 bibles are listed in the top of the application.  When I
> highlight a different version, the text stays where is was before the
> change of Highlight.
> The same page stays no matter what I click on.
> Steven

No, what I need to know is NOT in the e-sword window, it's in the Konsole 
window where you started e-sword from.

I know the e-sword window is hosed, we just need to know what kind of errors 
the app is spitting out in the konsole window.

Oh, and since I'm subscribed to this list you need to just reply to the List 
and not me as well.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

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