Crossover cable connection between 2 computers.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Sat Mar 14 14:03:57 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> I apologize for my confusion, but here it says ping -c 2
>> Is that a correct command or should it be 'ping -c 2 ?
> Stephen, I am going to be mean to you right now. Please look at the
> text "" and figure out for yourself what the
> meaning of it is. I can hold your hand, and give your explicit
> instructions, but I cannot make you read what is written and
> understand it.
What I understand is this, '', if that is not correct, 
re-reading or thinking about it won't help.  If using the number I just 
wrote doesn't work, then they must not be connected, because I do not 
get any reply.

Additionally, you have a '.' between the words.  To me, that would imply 
that it is a computer entry that needs to have no spaces between the 
words.  The alternate being '_'.  Am I reading something into that that 
is not intended?

I appreciate the not-holding-my-hand, but if after you read this 
response, I am still getting it wrong, I am wired differently and will 
never make a connection.  The preceding two paragraphs indicate the only 
possible conclusions I can see.  If neither are correct, I need baby 
food.  Thanks friend.


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